On November 5th 2023, during the France Uzbekistan Economic Forum, the Presidents of France and Uzbekistan pointed out the recent setting up of the Economic Chamber France-Uzbekistan, a new institution set to help develop economic and business ties between the two countries. The Economic Chamber finds its origin in the Business Club France-Uzbekistan (CAFU), which started to promote French business in Uzbekistan and Uzbek business in France as soon as in 2017.
The Economic Chamber is aimed to accompany French businesses in Uzbekistan, as well as Uzbek companies willing to develop ties with French companies active in Uzbekistan or in France. The volume of trade between the two countries has been rising steadily over the years, now with more than 1.2% of the market in Uzbekistan, France is a promising and valuable economic partner for Uzbekistan. A strong goal was set during the French President visit in Samarkand, as the wish for France to become one of the top economic partners of Uzbekistan was expressed, both for the amount of Foreign Direct Investment and for the volume and value of trade. The Economic Chamber is one of the tools that will help to reach this demanding but exiting target.
The economic and business interests between the two countries are significant in many sectors, with a focused cooperation in several areas where France has a well-recognized expertise like energy, transport, water, urban services, mining, green energy, etc. Many French companies are established on the uzbek market, such as Orano, Alstom, Veolia, Thales, Airbus, EDF, Suez, Voltalia, and many more are planning to enter the market. The Economic Chamber is supporting the existing projects as well as rooting for the new ones. Amongst the services the Chamber offers, there are consultancy services, as well as practical help for establishing business in Uzbekistan.
For now the Chamber counts more than 40 members, mainly French businesses but the uzbek members of the Chamber are a precious added value and reliable partners for the French companies. The uzbek members of the Chamber often serve as partners and consultants for their French colleagues, especially given the fact that almost all sectors of economy are covered. The Chamber invites Uzbek companies to join as members, and be part of this dynamic business network. The Chamber aims to be the missing link to give Uzbek investors the possibility to work more deeply with France”. The Chamber will develop in the current weeks a comprehensive range of services to serve well our members”.
Early 2024, the Economic Chamber will present its full working program for the following year.
Media publications on the launch of the Economic Chamber of France-Uzbekistan can be found here:
– Gazeta.uz
– Podrobno.uz
– Kultura.uz
– Uzdaily.uz
– Uza.uz